How to use physical assets to diversify your clients’ portfolios
Clients whose main aim is to protect the value of their investments may well be feeling nervous at the moment.
Recent stock market fluctuations and sustained uncertainty around Brexit has created the perfect environment for clients to delay making important decisions, which can end up being a costly mistake.
Clients look to you for reassurance and you can easily provide this by reducing their exposure to market based investments such as equities, gilts and bonds.
Investments that contain tangible assets (such as forestry and hotels) are largely un-correlated to these markets and offer a simple way to diversify your clients’ portfolios.
- Asset-backed offers greater investment security
- Un-correlated lowers investment volatility
If your clients hold these investments for two or more years they also qualify for Business Relief, meaning their capital is free from inheritance tax!
Capital preservation with the choice of growth or income
Our services only invest in areas that provide a high level of asset security and allow investors to choose a growth or income strategy.