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The Stellar Conservative Growth Inheritance Tax Service is a discretionary managed service which is designed for investors who wish to leave a growing legacy, free from inheritance tax.

It provides access to a range of qualifying business activities that offer security and diversification whilst seeking capital growth.

Our inheritance tax services are backed by Business Relief legislation, meaning that you can pass capital to your beneficiaries with 100% inheritance tax relief, whilst also keeping complete control of your capital – as long as you have held the shares for at least two years, and at the time of death.

Investing in Inheritance Tax Services carries risks and is not suitable for everyone,
click here for more information on the Risks of Investing.

Key Benefits

This diversified Inheritance Tax Service is unique within the Stellar portfolio, as it involves creating one solely owned Personal Trading Company that invests across a range of different Investment Sectors – including Commercial Forestry, Hotels, Bridging Finance, and Residential and Commercial Property Development.

This service is structured differently from other estate planning portfolios, because we incorporate a Personal Trading Company in each investor’s name and they become the sole shareholder – enabling full control of the investment.

Investing in our Inheritance Tax Services carries risks and is not suitable for everyone. Tax reliefs are subject to change and dependant upon personal circumstance. There is no guarantee that an investor will receive a full return. Please find further details of the risks here.

View our recent performance


Introduction to Growth

Watch our video below for a brief explanation of the Stellar Growth IHT Service.

Click on the following links to access our useful resources.

Reasons to Choose Stellar Conservative Growth IHT Service

Tax efficiency

Relief from IHT after two years.


Offers the widest range of qualifying business activities.


Invest in own company, to ensure full control.

Lasting legacy

Provides confidence and reassurance, today and in the future.

Uncapped returns

Offers uncapped returns from qualifying business activities.

Conservative Growth

Targeted returns of 3% per annum (net of fees).

Investment Sectors:

  • Arable Farming
    An opportunity to benefit from both capital growth and Agricultural Property Relief.
  • Bridging Finance
    Providing a regular source of income with strong levels of asset security.
  • Commercial Forestry
    Offering stable and predictable returns – with all timber sales free from capital gains and income tax.


  • Commercial Property Development
    Acquiring opportunities to develop land for commercial use – underpinned by a freehold or long leasehold interest.
  • Renewable Energy
    Supplying a stable and predictable income – underpinned by the subsidies provided by the Government.
  • Residential Property Development
    Sourcing opportunities to develop land for residential use – underpinned by a freehold or long leasehold interest.

How Your Personal Trading
Company Works

Our Investment Strategy

  • Once a name has been chosen for the Personal Trading Company, we will incorporate it and issue shares in accordance with the client’s wishes – then the two year qualification period for Business Relief begins.
  • We will also operate a bank account, and the subscription will be transferred to this account.
    Please note, there is a minimum subscription amount for shares of £40,000, but no upper limit.
  • From here, we will commit the Personal Trading Company to a range of qualifying business activities – each of which will be undertaken in partnership with other personal trading companies.
  • We expect to be fully invested within 12 months.

Performance Comparison

The Stellar Conservative Growth IHT Service is carefully designed to provide real returns during an investor’s lifetime, as well as a tax-efficient legacy for their beneficiaries.

We aim to generate a target return of 3% per annum for each client’s Personal Trading Company. This graphic compares the three year projected performance of a savings account and government gilts with the Stellar Conservative Growth IHT Service.


Please note:

  • Target return – please remember that this is only a target and therefore not guaranteed. The target return is quoted before the effect of any adviser charges which will, if paid, reduce the target return.
  • The Stellar Conservative Growth IHT Service is higher risk than saving accounts and government gilts.
  • After two years, a holding in the Stellar Conservative Growth IHT Service should attract 100% relief from IHT, provided the initial investment is held at the point of death.
  • All returns are calculated using annual compounding and rounded to the nearest whole pound, where applicable.

Important Information

There are never any guarantees in the world of investment, so it’s essential that advisers make their clients aware of the risks. Our Inheritance Tax Services are not suitable for everyone, so here’s a summary of what an investor needs to know before getting involved – alternatively, click here for more information.

  • The value of a Personal Trading Company, or any income derived from it, can fluctuate.
    There is no guarantee that the full value of an investment will be returned, or that sufficient investments in qualifying business activities will be made within the expected timetable, or at all.
  • Qualifying business activities are not certain.
    Qualifying business activities may subsequently cease to qualify for Business Relief. In such cases, Business Relief could be lost or delayed.
  • Tax reliefs are not guaranteed
    The rate of tax, tax benefits and tax allowances are subject to change and are also dependant on personal circumstance. Plus, any changes to what constitutes a qualifying business activity may have a material adverse effect on the value of the business, or Stellar’s potential to achieve the objectives of the service.
  • Conflicts of interest
    The interests of one group of investors may not coincide with another, or an interest of Stellar. In the event of a conflict, Stellar’s investment committee will work to ensure it is resolved fairly and in lie with our conflict policy.
  • Investments are long-term and high risk.
    Interests in the businesses are not liquid so although an investor can request a withdrawal from their Personal Trading Company, there may be a delay. Exits are reviewed quarterly and there is no guarantee that an exit will be possible. Such interests are also considered to be higher risk than securities listed on the London Stock Exchange.
  • Past performance is no indicator of future success. 
Initial Subscription Fee1.5%
Dealing Fee1.5%
Management Fee1% plus VAT
Administration Fee0.5% plus VAT
Performance Fee20% of excess above target return
Exit Fee (where applicable)2% plus VAT

Next Steps

To gain a full insight into our Stellar Conservative Growth IHT Service, explore the following resources:

For more information, complete the form to receive further insight into our Stellar Conservative Growth IHT Service.

Investing in Inheritance Tax Services carries risks and is not suitable for everyone, read more.

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Document Downloads

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The Stellar Growth IHT Toolkit

We provide a number of tools to guide advisers on how to tailor our Stellar Growth IHT Service for their clients. Please click below to view our specialised toolkits, featuring videos, case studies and more.

Independent Inheritance Tax Liability Insurance – Two Year Cover

For advisers recommending Business Relief, AIG offers a term assurance policy – specifically designed to cover any liability for inheritance tax in the first two years of planning.

Find out more



Frequently Asked Questions on Stellar Conservative Growth IHT Service

Yes, Business Relief (BR) investments allow the client and Power of Attorney to retain control of their capital and investments.

This is a distinct advantage over traditional IHT planning, such as gifts and trusts, which generally requires the agreement of the Court of Protection.

It may be that the Court does not agree that making lifetime gifts or placing assets into a trust is an appropriate strategy for the client, as this will involve the client losing control of their capital.

Read more here.

While traditional solutions such as gifts and trusts may work for some, a disadvantage is that clients have to give up control or access to their capital for it to qualify for IHT relief.

One of the more effective IHT solutions is Business Relief (BR) – a piece of Government legislation, offering IHT relief. BR provides clients with flexibility and capital growth, without capital falling outside of their estate.

Investing in assets that qualify for BR – such as British forestry, hotels and residential developments, or stocks on the AiM Index – will fully relieve any IHT liability after just two years, providing they are held at the time of death. In contrast, gifts and trusts require seven years before they qualify for IHT relief.

Despite popular opinion, the tax advantages that a trust offers have been steadily reduced by successive Governments over the past few decades. In 2006, the Government announced reforms which meant that many assets that moved into trusts became subject to a 20% IHT levy. Not only that, in 2016, the government increased the income tax rate for dividends held in trusts and removed a 10% tax credit.

As a result, many advisers believe that families are going to lean towards a different approach to managing their inheritances.

As well as being able to obtain IHT relief up to five years faster than trusts, IHT planning using BR can also offer investors greater security and plenty of flexibility without taking away control from their estate.

Take a look at our wide range of services

Stellar AiM IHT Service

A discretionary managed portfolio that mitigates risk through a diversified selection of 40 AiM stocks. This service is available for advised clients, on many of the UK’s largest wrap platforms.

Stellar Business IHT Service

A discretionary managed service which provides numerous succession planning and tax efficiency options for business owners – either following the sale of a company, or to invest excess company capital to maintain tax efficiency.

Stellar Bespoke IHT Service

Designed for sophisticated investors who prefer a tailored discretionary investment approach to improve tax-efficiency.

Stellar Growth IHT Service

This discretionary managed service involves the creation of a privately owned limited company for each investor, to access a portfolio of asset-backed Investment Sectors – targeting 5% growth per annum.

Stellar ITS

A discretionary managed service designed for investors who wish to leave a legacy that is free from inheritance tax.