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Reasons to be cheerful (believe it or not!)
AIM investors have had to get used to the thinnest of gruel, with three consecutive years of negative index price returns. Such a run has only been seen once before in AIM’s illustrious life, during the 2000-2002 period. The despondent investor may take some heart from what happened next: in 2003, AIM delivered a 38.6% return, backed up by a 20.4% return in 2004.
Yet, as Buffet quipped, “you pay a very high price in the stock market for a cheery consensus”, and valuations across AIM are pricing in an extremely negative outlook. The future only needs to be less bad than those expectations, already baked in to current low share prices, to make strong returns from here.
To finish, we covered the changes arising from last year’s budget and guidance on navigating the new rules.
In this webinar we explored the opportunities available to AIM IHT investors, supported by investee company case studies that bring to life reasons we remain so bullish and passionate in supporting some genuinely world class companies.
ESG – rumours of its death are (mostly) exaggerated
Sentiment towards Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) is showing signs of cracks in recent months following years of positive outperformance.
The market has become sceptical of the topic following recent fund outflows, accusations of greenwashing and companies citing it as uneconomic and unviable.
This view that the costs outweigh the benefits of ESG is seen as detrimental to client returns… but it does not have to be.
Join our team to hear more about the ESG landscape, why we believe a simple and pragmatic approach is best, and examples of engagement with investee companies.
Watch on demandSpotlight on the Stellar AiM IHT Service
When it comes to the Alternative Investment Market (AiM), there is often an assumption that larger market capitalisation means less risk.
However, this is not always the case.
Small-cap stocks represent one of the last areas of market inefficiency. This is why the managers of the Stellar AiM IHT Service are looking for opportunities in this space.
Whilst there is hidden value within these small-caps, a different focus requires a different approach to AiM investment.
Join our team as they unpack how this process allows us to get in early when stocks are smaller, cheaper and below the radar and exit when they become larger, expensive and more coveted.
Watch on demandDoes the four-day week work?
The world of work has changed significantly in recent years. The flexibility of a Business’s working practices have become crucial in developing company culture.
Whether it is working from home, condensed hours or use of co-working spaces, the importance of flexibility continues to grow.
In June 2022, Stellar were one of 70 UK companies that took part in the 4 Day Week Global pilot.
This project involved a transition to all employees working a four-day week over a six-month period. The trial was based on the 100:80:100 model – 100% of pay for 80% of the time, in exchange for a commitment to maintain 100% productivity.
Join our team as they uncover the realities of implementing a four-day week and reveal the impact it has had on their well-being, productivity and morale.
Watch on demandWhat Kind of Events Do We Run?
We host a range of webinars and events for advisers throughout the year.
A number of our events are CPD certified in order for our attendees to use the learning time towards their annual Continuing Professional Development requirements.
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The tangible assets behind IHT Services
Held on 2nd November 2022
Those seeking to utilise Business Relief almost always have one thing in common.
Whether they have to change to support complex family dynamics, a keen interest in socially responsible investing or the want to avoid additional taxes such as CGT, the desire to minimise risk is a common thread.
A diverse portfolio is one of the most effective ways to provide the necessary security without compromising growth.

Twinkle, twinkle, small-cap stars
Held on 13th October 2022
The UK stock market remains cheap relative to most other developed markets. Within that, small-caps are also trading at a significant discount to their larger-capped peers.
In this webinar, our team explained why we believe now is a good time to increase exposure to small-caps as an asset class.

Finding opportunities to write estate planning business
Held on 19th May 2022
As asset values rise, inheritance tax allowances remain frozen and the taboo of discussing financial planning continues to fade, the demand for IHT planning looks set to grow in the years ahead.
In this webinar, our team explored a wide range of client planning case studies to examine how estate planning could be an important business growth opportunity.

The power of diversification
Held on 28th April 2022
By investing in a portfolio of non-correlated assets, investors have confidence that their legacy can continue to grow even in turbulent times.
In this webinar, our team explored the opportunities available for clients across a range of business activities and how an ESG conscious mindset is crucial for success in these vastly different sectors.

Quantitative tightening, very very frightening?
Held on 24th February 2022
The start of a new year saw a large rotation away from so called Growth stocks into cheaper, Value stocks.
In this webinar, our Investment Director Stephen English explored what this means for equities and the AiM IHT strategy more specifically and how we are positioned to take advantage of any regime change between traditional Growth and Value stocks.

Stellar Estate Planning Virtual Summit
Held on 21st October 2021
Changing the perceptions of sustainable intergenerational estate planning and highlighting the opportunities ahead.
This free virtual event included masterclasses, keynotes, panel discussions.
Financial advisers and private client professionals heard from leading experts on inheritance tax, trusteeship, property, probate and much more.

T.O.W.I.E. – The Only Way Is Equity: AiM Update
Held on 8th September 2021
After a period of unprecedented monetary and fiscal support over the last 18 months, investors around the world have piled into equities during 2021, which has driven the market rebound.
AiM has generated significant returns, so join us to explore how we navigated this environment and continue to identify pockets of value. We will look at growing inflation risk and explore what measures we can take to mitigate such risk.

AiM Update | T.O.W.I.E. – The Only Way Is Equity
Original Date | 8th September 2021
We explored how we navigate the AiM market and continue to identify pockets of value.

Tax and Intergenerational Planning
Original Date | 29th July 2021
We explored a variety of scenarios that can impact later life planning when considering beneficiaries from multiple generations.

Business Relief Strategies: Golf and Hotel Business Activities
Original Date | 15th July 2021
We examined some of the golf and hotel business activities that we offer via our services.

Residential Property Incorporation for IHT | Part Two
Original Date | 8th July 2021
This is the second in the series. We further examined the options available for advisers to support investors with buy to let portfolios of residential property.

Inheritance Tax – What Happens on Death
Original Date | 30th June 2021
We looked at the process of inheritance tax being applied on death and how you can utilise this information to mitigate your clients’ exposure.

Business Relief Strategies: Property Development Business Activities
Original Date | 23rd June 2021
We explored some of the property development activities that we offer via our services.

Cash Flow Modelling for IHT
Original Date | 16th June 2021
We clarified what capital is required for later life and identified the opportunities for advisers using cash flow modelling techniques.

Gifting – Having your cake and eating it!
Original Date | 27th May 2021
We explored some of the more complex areas of gifting and the options that are available to advisers and their clients

Residential Property Incorporation for IHT | Part One
Original Date | 20th May 2021
We examined the options available for advisers to support investors with buy to let portfolios of residential property.

An Overview of Business Relief Strategies
Original Date | 13th May 2021
We examined the Business Relief qualifying activities that we offer via our services.

Getting Clever with Business Relief
Original Date | 21st April 2021
We explored some of the more creative uses of Business Relief and the benefits these approaches could bring for your clients.

What’s Next after Selling a Business?
Original Date | 18th March 2021
Understanding the lifecycle of a company enables business owners to prepare for the road ahead – and protect it for what’s to come.

Using a Personal Trading Company Structure
Original Date | 17th March 2021
We cover the value of using a Personal Trading Company structure in succession planning compared to other vehicles.

Exploring the Types of Business Sale and a Tax Efficient Exit
Original Date | 4th March 2021
We explore the types of business sale available, as well as what a purchaser may consider, to help navigate the most tax efficient exit.

Preparing a Business for Maximum Value
Original Date | 18th February 2021
We focused on what business owners need to elevate the value of their company.

Business Relief Strategies
Original Date | 17th February 2021
We explore both the basics and some of the more complex areas of utilising Business Relief (BR) strategies.

Making a Business Invincible
Original Date | 4th February 2021
From shareholder agreements to T&Cs, we explore what documents are needed for a healthy business – and what happens if you don’t have them.