Risks of Investing
Investing in Inheritance Tax Services carries risks and is not suitable for everyone.
Investors should be comfortable with taking on these risks and we recommend that they seek financial advice before they put their money into an Inheritance Tax Service.
Investment risks
The value of an investor’s investment, and any income from it, can go down as well as up. Also, the shares of the companies in an Inheritance Tax Service can be harder to sell and may go up and down more than larger companies quoted on a main stock exchange. Investors cannot rely on the past performance of a service to judge how successful it will be in the future.
BR and IHT relief risks
Business Relief is possible if investors hold Business Relief qualifying shares in the service for a minimum of two years and at death. However, Business Relief is based on personal circumstances, is not guaranteed, and the Government could change the rules in the future. Also, the companies within the service could lose their Business Relief qualifying status if inheritance tax rules change, which could result in an inheritance tax liability on the investment. Please note this is only a brief overview of the risks involved with investing in Inheritance Tax Services. Please read full information on all of the risks detailed in the product literature for the specific Inheritance Tax Service being considered, before investing.
Stellar Asset Management Limited does not provide advice or make personal recommendations, and investors should seek independent advice before investing. Investments offered on this website carry a higher risk than many other types of investment, and prospective investors should be aware that capital is at risk and the value of their investment may go down as well as up. Any investment should only be made on the basis of the relevant product literature and investors’ attention is drawn to the risk, fees and taxation factors contained therein. Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances of each investor and may be subject to change in the future. Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance. Stellar Asset Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under FCA number 474710. Registered in England and Wales No. 06381679.
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