Business Relief Strategies: Property Development Business Activities
Hosted by our Chief Executive Jonathan Gain, our Investment Manager David Stein and Georgia Gale of Homegrown Property Development, this webinar exploring some of the property development activities that we offer via our services.
The investment team and our guest speaker covered:
- The opportunities available
- Due diligence and acquisition process
- The strategies that are employed to enhance value
- The risks and how these are mitigated
- Disposal and return of capital
- In-depth case studies for some of our assets
Important Information
Stellar Asset Management Limited does not offer investment or tax advice or make recommendations regarding investments. Prospective investors should ensure that they read the brochure and fully understand the risk factors before making any investment decision. The value of investments and the income from them may fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed. No assurance or guarantee is given that any targeted returns will be achieved. Forecasts of potential future results are not a reliable indicator of actual future results.
Stellar Asset Management Limited of Kendal House, 1 Conduit Street, London W1S 2XA is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.