Delivering transparency, education and best value for Inheritance Tax investors

When I established Stellar at the end of 2007, I did so with the intention of building a business that would bring three much needed concepts to the world of tax-efficient investing: transparency, education and best value.

It was clear to me then that we were on the precipice of an Inheritance Economy; an unprecedented build-up of wealth would soon be passed down to generations, presenting a new wave of capital that would need to be invested as tax efficiently as possible. Together with my Stellar co-founders, we knew that the beneficiaries of this wealth transfer and their financial advisers would need experienced asset managers to act as their partners through the complex process of tax-efficient investing.

We foresaw that they would choose managers which were not simply product providers, but which placed an emphasis on being upfront about fees and charges, on providing understanding and knowledge, and ultimately generating results for the best value.

Stellar has been focused on delivering this philosophy for the past 13 years with great success. Our assets under management have grown year on year and we have won numerous industry awards. But we aren’t resting on our laurels. We still believe we can be better partners to investors and advisers as they seek to invest the assets that older generations have entrusted them with.

A cornerstone of our continued drive for preeminence in the inheritance tax marketplace is the expansion of the Stellar AiM IHT service, which should enable investors to support small and medium-sized UK businesses while qualifying for 100% inheritance tax relief.

We recently announced that we are fulfilling a long-held desire to bring AIM stock picking and portfolio management in-house to Stellar for the first time and hiring award-winning AIM fund manager Stephen English to lead this expanded service. This is an incredibly exciting development for Stellar. Not only does it allow us to have greater flexibility and control, while widening our AIM service for clients, but crucially, it enables us to further deliver upon our ethos of transparency, education and best value.

We searched long and hard for the right person that would help us to achieve our vision, and through that process found Stephen. He stood out to me for a number of reasons: first and foremost, Stephen has a well-defined investment philosophy and he is excellent at articulating it. His in-depth understanding of the AIM market and what makes for a good stock, and his ability to communicate this knowledge will be an invaluable asset to our clients. He truly enjoys talking about his strategy and imparting his knowledge, which I know clients will greatly appreciate.

Stephen is equally passionate about the importance of transparency when it comes to fees and charges and the concept of fair or best value. He impressed this upon me very clearly when he told me that it was imbued in him to fight over every quarter of a penny in buying stocks.
We are greatly looking forward to welcoming Stephen on board and I encourage you to get in touch if you would like to hear more about our plans for Stellar or the expanded Stellar AiM IHT Service and Stephen.


Written by Jonathan Gain


Important Information

Stellar Asset Management Limited does not offer investment or tax advice or make recommendations regarding investments. Prospective investors should ensure that they read the brochure and fully understand the risk factors before making any investment decision. The value of investments and the income from them may fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed. No assurance or guarantee is given that any targeted returns will be achieved. Forecasts of potential future results are not a reliable indicator of actual future results.

Stellar Asset Management Limited of Kendal House, 1 Conduit Street, London W1S 2XA is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.